
East Central Texas News

Sunday, March 30, 2025

6,975 economically disadvantaged students were taught in Navarro County schools in 2021-22 school year

Webp commissioner of education mike morath 2023

TX Commissioner of Education Mike Morath 2023 | State Board for Education

TX Commissioner of Education Mike Morath 2023 | State Board for Education

Navarro County schools enrolled 6,975 students who identified as economically disadvantaged in the state during the 2021-22 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Of the 10,319 students enrolled in Navarro County schools, 67.6% were considered economically disadvantaged. This is a 1.3% increase over the previous school year.

Navarro County enrolled the 58th highest number of students identified as economically disadvantaged among Texas counties.

Education in Texas is often a hot button issue, especially as test scores lag behind other states.

"The problems commonly cited are flaws in the school financing system, relatively low teacher salary, poor test performance by students...dropouts from traditional schools in favor of charter schools...gun violence, and mental health issues," claimed the Texas Almanac.

Number of Economically Disadvantaged Students Over 3 Years

02,0004,0006,0008,00010,0002021-222020-212019-2010,31910,3196,9756,97510,25210,2526,8856,88510,02510,0257,1367,136Total EnrollmentEconomically Disadvantaged Students

Economically Disadvantaged Students in Navarro County Schools in 2021-22 School Year

SchoolNumber of Economically Disadvantaged StudentsTotal Number of Students
Corsicana High School9821,761
Collins Intermediate School673864
Corsicana Middle School593935
Jose Antonio Navarro Elementary School544581
Carroll Elementary School463480
Kerens School410552
Bowie Elementary School379567
Sam Houston Elementary School346426
Rice Elementary School331400
Fannin Elementary School326392
Blooming Grove Elementary School276434
Rice Intermediate/Middle School242306
Rice High School219291
Mildred High School195453
Mildred Elementary School195381
Dawson Elementary School160274
Dawson High School153252
Blooming Grove High School127275
Blooming Grove Junior High School108194
Frost Elementary School99198
Frost High School87234
Two Dimensions at Corsicana6262
Navarro County AEP/ABC57