The publication is reproduced in full below:
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Daily Digest
Senate passed H.R. 3237, Emergency Security Supplemental to
Respond to January 6th Appropriations Act, as amended.
Chamber Action
Routine Proceedings, pages S5147-S5195
Measures Introduced: Forty-three bills and five resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 2528-2570, S. Res. 328-331, and S. Con. Res. 11.
Pages S5175-77
Measures Passed:
Emergency Security Supplemental to Respond to January 6th Appropriations Act: By a unanimous vote of 98 yeas (Vote No. 287), Senate passed H.R. 3237, making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, by the order of the Senate of Thursday, July 29, 2021, 60 Senators having voted in the affirmative, and after taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto:
Pages S5154-56
Shelby (for Cotton) Amendment No. 2124, to require a report to Congress on the health of the Afghan special immigrant visa program.
Page S5155
Leahy/Shelby Amendment No. 2123, in the nature of a substitute.
Page S5155
During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action:
By 72 yeas to 26 nays (Vote No. 286), Senate agreed to the motion to waive all applicable sections of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and any other applicable budget point of order for purposes of Leahy/
Shelby Amendment No. 2123 (listed above). Subsequently, the point of order that the amendment would make new budget authority available for fiscal year 2021, was not sustained, and thus the point of order fell.
Page S5155
PFAS Act: Senate passed S. 231, to direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to develop guidance for firefighters and other emergency response personnel on best practices to protect them from exposure to PFAS and to limit and prevent the release of PFAS into the environment, after withdrawing the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute, and agreeing to the following amendment proposed thereto:
Pages S5189-90
Heinrich (for Peters) Amendment No. 2125, in the nature of a substitute.
Page S5190
PRICE Act: Senate passed S. 583, to promote innovative acquisition techniques and procurement strategies, after agreeing to the committee amendments.
Pages S5190-92
Gold Star Children's Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. 328, designating August 1, 2021, as ``Gold Star Children's Day''.
Pages S5192-93
Senate Employee Child Care Center: Senate agreed to S. Res. 329, amending the eligibility criteria for the Senate Employee Child Care Center.
Page S5193
Death of Former Senator Mike Enzi: Senate agreed to S. Res. 330, relating to the death of the Honorable Mike Enzi, former Senator for the State of Wyoming.
Page S5193
Hip Hop Recognition: Senate agreed to S. Res. 331, designating August 11, 2021, as ``Hip Hop Celebration Day'', designating August 2021 as
``Hip Hop Recognition Month'', and designating November 2021 as ``Hip Hop History Month''.
Page S5193
Measures Considered:
Invest in America Act--Agreement: Senate continued consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of H.R. 3684, to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs.
Pages S5149-54
A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing for further consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill, post-cloture, at approximately 10:30 a.m., on Friday, July 30, 2021; and that all post-cloture time on the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill expire at 11:30 a.m.
Page S5193
Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the following nominations:
6 Air Force nominations in the rank of general.
33 Army nominations in the rank of general.
3 Marine Corps nominations in the rank of general.
5 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral.
1 Space Force nomination in the rank of general.
Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Foreign Service, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force.
Pages S5170-72
Frank A. Rose, of Massachusetts, to be Principal Deputy Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration.
Deborah G. Rosenblum, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense.
Page S5172
Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
Thea D. Rozman Kendler, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
2 Air Force nominations in the rank of general.
2 Army nominations in the rank of general.
1 Marine Corps nomination in the rank of general.
1 Navy nomination in the rank of admiral.
2 Space Force nominations in the rank of general.
Pages S5193-94
Messages from the House:
Page S5174
Measures Referred:
Page S5174
Executive Communications:
Pages S5174-75
Additional Cosponsors:
Pages S5177-79
Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
Pages S5179-82
Additional Statements:
Page S5173
Amendments Submitted:
Pages S5182-86
Authorities for Committees to Meet:
Page S5186
Privileges of the Floor:
Page S5186
Record Votes: Two record votes were taken today. (Total--287)
Pages S5155-56
Adjournment: Senate convened at 10:30 a.m. and adjourned, as a further mark of respect to the memory of the late Senator Mike Enzi, in accordance with S. Res. 330, at 6:02 p.m., until 10:30 a.m. on Friday, July 30, 2021. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S5193.)
SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 133
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